sapio no code lims accent

Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS)

Automate, integrate and manage your lab with the market’s most configurable, no/low-code LIMS platform.

Explore how a LIMS helps you

Manage and streamline lab workflow, data analytics, and reporting with a comprehensive, configurable lab platform that includes pre-built applications for a variety of specialized applications. Key features and core functions of a LIMS include these modules:

What is a LIMS?

hd free eln software

A modern LIMS, or Laboratory Information Management System, is a user-friendly laboratory informatics platform that helps track and manage workflow automation and data entry. It provides a central repository for all laboratory data and helps automate laboratory processes, including sample tracking, quality control, data integrity and analysis, audit trails, and report generation.

A LIMS optimizes laboratory operations by modeling operating procedures according to your specific needs and regulatory compliance requirements (such as the CFR part). It allows requests to be triggered for each modeled process, including the samples to be processed, their associated metadata, and what processes (i.e., pipelines) they are assigned to. This allows you to manage the processing flow of samples from the initial request through well-defined steps to reduce human error and ensure repeatable results and proper traceability day-to-day.

What makes Sapio LIMS ® different?

  • Robust information management
  • No-code
  • Powerful searchability and analysis
  • Out-of-the-box applications
robust information management

Robust information management

The management of samples, materials, and workflows is fundamental to the Sapio LIMS ®, but the adaptability and scalability of these core functions are far from standard. Sapio delivers detailed information management and traceability over a full range of scientific data types, including samples, reagents, containers, documents, and more. These can be updated concurrently and in real time.

no code configurability

No-code configurability

Today’s sophisticated science demands powerful workflow automation, but this automation must be readily adaptable and highly simple. Sapio’s no-code workflow builder puts the power in scientists’ hands by enabling them to define, adapt, and automate workflows with zero technical intervention and then tie workflows together into overarching processes.  

powerful searchability and analysis

Powerful searchability and analysis 

Structuring your scientific data is only one-half of the challenge. The other half is finding the data you need through sophisticated and granular searchability. At Sapio, our expertise in scientific data management is inseparable from our lab management solution, allowing LIMS users to quickly access the data they need with clarity and ease and then report out on key metrics through sophisticated scientific reports. 

out of the box applications

Out-of-the-box tools  

Supporting your novel science shouldn’t mean months of custom coding only to result in a fragile system that breaks with every update. That’s why our cloud-based LIMS software comes equipped with pre-built applications for sophisticated scientific specialties and functions, including bioanalysis, stability testing, NGS, histopathology, In Vivo, and more.  

tmb new buyers guide

In other words, Sapio is science-aware™.

Learn what it means to be a science-aware™ LIMS in our guide.

Key Benefits of a LIMS System

There are many benefits to LIMS software for tracking and managing sampling, including:

  • Managing large volumes of data quickly and efficiently
  • Maintains strict industry standards for laboratory data management
  • Enables automation of complex data analysis
  • Increases productivity, efficiency and turnaround times
  • Integrates seamlessly with other essential systems
hd knowledge management

“Sapio won by far. The reason was their flexibility to meet our needs, usability out-of-the-box workflows, and no-hassle platform configuration.”

— Top 10 BioPharma

Adapting your LIMS workflow is no hassle with Sapio.

Designed to enhance accuracy, efficiency, and insight, our lab management software enables total adaptability and scalability with no headaches, no/low-code, and no SQL.

Made for scientists, Sapio LIMS is a well-trusted software solution across many disciplines, including biotech, clinical, and pharmaceutical fields. The best part? Sapio LIMS is one part of our unified lab informatics platform—a lab triple play that radically accelerates implementation and removes the barriers to scientific progress.

With Sapio’s no-code LIMS system, adapting your scientific workflow is no work, and all flow.

LIMS Articles

Blog Post

What is a LIMS and what is it used for?

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Read Post – What is a LIMS and what is it used for?

Blog Post

How to Set Up a Successful LIMS Implementation

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Read Post – How to Set Up a Successful LIMS Implementation

Blog Post

LIMS vs ELN: Understanding The Difference & How To Choose The Right One

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Read Post – LIMS vs ELN: Understanding The Difference & How To Choose The Right One

LIMS Product Literature


Sapio LIMS Product Sheet

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Download Brochure – Sapio LIMS Product Sheet

Case Study

NatureMetrics Case Study

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Download Case Study – NatureMetrics Case Study


Why LIMS / ELN often fail to impress scientists?

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Download Webinar – Why LIMS / ELN often fail to impress scientists?


Mastering Bioanalytical Workflows

Read More
Download Webinar – Mastering Bioanalytical Workflows

Case Study

Ellison Institute of Technology LA Deploys LIMS and ELN

Read More
Download Case Study – Ellison Institute of Technology LA Deploys LIMS and ELN

Case Study

NGS Clinical Diagnostics Case Study

Read More
Download Case Study – NGS Clinical Diagnostics Case Study

A true LIMS and ELN platform. A class of one.

Your LIMS, your ELN, your data… a seamless lab platform

Do you ever think you’re getting a true platform only to discover you’re still dealing with multiple logins, interfaces, and manual exports and imports?  

Say goodbye to disparate workflows and hello to truly unified lab informatics with the Sapio Triple Play—a single, unified platform experience for modern scientists. The Sapio Platform manages your workflows, your experiments and your data in one interface with built-in scientific tools, integrated AI, no-code configurability, and much more.  

Sapio LIMS is only the beginning. Explore the fullness of a platform that is effortless to use and easy to love.  

Sapio Platform

One common substance, one unified experience.

Learn more about our lab informatics platform

Sapio Lab Notebook

A lab notebook that works the way scientists do.

Learn more about our electronic lab notebook

Sapio Jarvis

The first data management solution created for scientists.

Learn more about unifying access to fragmented science data

platform of three class of one

Discover LIMS Features

icon intricate sample management needs

Sample Management

LIMS systems are commonly used for sample management to keep an accurate inventory of each sample, its processing, and other related data, such as storage location, etc. Detailed samples and related metadata can be recorded when the sample is created or arrives in the lab. It can also vary depending on the sample type and its processing pipeline. This typically includes the related project(s), sample identifiers/barcodes, storage information, related assay results data, and workflows or experiments through which it has passed. It also includes information such as how it should be stored and any expiration dates. A laboratory information management system should be able to record and retain all this information to ensure easy traceability of all things related to a sample in its life cycle.

icon built in ngs templates

Built-in No-Code LIMS Templates

Get your solution up and running quickly with pre-built workflows specialized for every application – choose from many here.

Adapt your laboratory processes on the fly with easy-to-configure, code-free workflows and rules. This flexibility ensures continuity and efficiency without disrupting existing operations.

Enhance your lab’s capabilities by easily integrating with specialized systems and instruments.

icon build your workflow

Workflow Management

A LIMS can be used to define step-by-step procedural laboratory workflows and can increase lab throughput by performing automation, such as:

  • Automatic plate setup of samples, including any needed replicates and QC’s and Standards
  • Automatically passing instrument control instructions to robotics and automatically reading results from lab processing into structured records associated with the proper samples
  • Automatically assessing lab results data and queueing samples for reprocessing if necessary
icon ElaiN ELN with AI built-ion

AI Scientific Assistant – ELaiN

Sapio ELaiN is an AI-powered assistant built into the Sapio lab informatics platform. With ELaiN, scientists can chat directly with the Sapio ELN—similar to Chat-GPT—to receive instant product support, set up experiments, query any data, analyze data in an instant, or generate custom code in seconds for faster experiment or workflow configuration.

icon seamless integration


LIMS are essential tools for storing samples, material, and processing data, as well as for enabling data searching and graphical presentations of that information in useful dashboards. Additionally, ad-hoc searches and charts should also be able to be quickly run, allowing lab management and lab scientists to make real-time decisions via real-time insights into lab operations.

icon built in materials management

Materials Management

Lab processing relies heavily on tracking materials being used, typically reagents. A Lab Management System can enable detailed tracking of inventoried reagents, how much is on hand, lot numbers, expiration dates, and reorder levels. The laboratory information management system will also record everywhere a particular material lot was used (e.g., what processing workflows), and what samples were combined with the reagents.

Select your LIMS out of the box to support your scientific needs

Explore our templated LIMS applications to deploy rapidly without an army of programmers.

solution research


Empower your digital research lab with a LIMS that can run any workflow, at any scale.

Learn more about our Research LIMS and ELN

solution clinical


Our clinical LIMS solution enables your diagnostics lab to better manage data and customer relationships.

Learn more about our Clinical LIMS and ELN

solution ngs


NGS-ready LIMS software that delivers seamless instrument integrations to unlock the full potential of NGS innovation.

Learn more about our NGS LIMS and ELN

solution histopathology


Improve efficiency and gain deeper scientific insights in digital pathology, single-cell sequencing and spatial transcriptomics research.

Learn more about our Histopathology LIMS and ELN

solution histopathology

In Vivo

Bring scientists and researchers together with one unified LIMS platform whether you’re focused on pharmacokinetics, toxicology or In Vivo research.

Learn more about our In Vivo LIMS and ELN

solution bioanalytical


Maximize autonomy and minimize room for error during bioanalytical research with a LIMS featuring built-in data validation and study design.

Learn more about our Bioanalysis LIMS and ELN

solution bioprocessing


Our LIMS system provides a fresh, integrated digital solution to improve collaboration and data quality during bioprocessing research.

Learn more about our Bioprocessing LIMS and ELN

solution stability

Stability Testing

LIMS solutions that support scientists in accelerating their stability studies with software that helps to ensure safe and accessible pharmaceutical products.

Learn more about our Stability Testing LIMS and ELN

Do you have questions about LIMS software?

We’d love to answer them.

What separates one LIMS from the next?

While the core functions of laboratory information management systems, such as sample management, materials management, and process management, can at first appear homogenized among the market’s leading alternatives, LIMS are far from created equal when it comes to their configurability, speed of implementation, and reliance on custom code. All three of these elements are interrelated, as a highly configurable solution tends to take a low-code approach, speeding initial implementation and adaptability as scientific requirements evolve.

The other area in which LIMS solutions vary greatly is in their integration with the rest of the lab informatics ecosystem. While many alternatives claim to be platforms, a true platform will offer one unified experience that spans LIMS, ELN, and data management, with one login and one (very short) learning curve for the scientific user.

What types of data are stored in a LIMS system?

LIMS software allows for the storage of sample tracking data such as the source of the sample, expiration date and researcher’s information.

What is the best functionality of a LIMS?

The best functionalities of modern LIMS systems include automation of workflows, efficient storage of large amounts of data, maintaining data quality and lab management standards as well as seamless integration with other instruments and systems.

Who uses LIMS software?

LIMS are used by lab managers, lab technicians, bioinformaticians and lab support staff. Every lab can benefit from a laboratory information management system to ensure repeatable, high quality results and easy data searching and reporting.

Why Is LIMS Important For Modern Laboratories?

A modern lab needs to have proper tracking of processing details as well as materials, samples, instruments and more. Lab processing data, including assay data, are some of the most prized and valuable assets of a pharma, biotechnology, research or clinical laboratory. It is critical to ensure that these are not only collected properly and that the data is accurate but that the data is easily accessible, visualizable and analyzable — all these constitute a modern informatics platform to enable the digital transformation of your life sciences organization.

What does a Laboratory Information Management System do?

The main purpose of a LIMS is to improve lab efficiency and accuracy by reducing manual operations. A laboratory information management system will perform a range of core functions. These normally include:

– Tracking bench protocols work via workflow process tracking
– Accountability of work done via process and data audit tracking
– Sample management
– Materials management
– Data access, dashboards and reporting

Naturally, not all LIMS Software Systems perform all these functions and the ability of the systems to enable rapid implementation of protocols will vary greatly.

Who benefits from a LIMS the most?

Lab managers, lab technicians, bioinformaticians, and lab support staff all utilize lab management software and stand to benefit from its repeatable, highly quality results and easy data searching and reporting. From our perspective, the scientist, no matter their role or title, is the chief beneficiary of a LIMS. When a lab management system enables powerful workflow configurability with little friction, the true potential of scientific productivity is unleashed.

How is complex science making the LIMS more important?

Due to rising molecule complexity, enhanced technology, and a variety of other factors, the modern lab is home to more data, from a more sophisticated range of instruments, across a more complex set of processes than ever before. Rising complexity in all aspects of scientific operations together expose the inadequacies of legacy information management approaches and the need for a simple, configurable, and scalable solution. The need for a proper LIMS is even greater in large molecule discovery and development, which is known for its unrivaled data demands.

Why should I trust Sapio?

Sapio is widely regarded by our customers as a dedicated partner, and we are dedicated to transparency and truthfulness in all that we do. Visit our company page to learn more about The Sapio Seven—seven principles that underpin our transformative solutions and daily work.

How much does the Sapio LIMS cost?

We offer several editions of our laboratory management software that can be tailored to each customer’s level of requirements. Check out our pricing page to learn more about pricing and features for our Gold, Silver, and Bronze editions.

What if my team and I don’t have an IT department?

Our commitment to lowering the barriers to adoption starts during LIMS implementation. Our laboratory management software is fully cloud-based and require nothing more than a modern web browser. Simply sign up and go, and benefit from our suite of powerful out-of-the-box tools, which make it easy to get started even if this is your first foray into LIMS.

What kind of support is available to Sapio LIMS customers?

Sapio Sciences customers gain free access to our support forum and helpful resource library whenever they create a free account. In addition, our resource library provides useful information about LIMS software and offers customers access to whitepapers and additional support.
Beyond our forum and resource library, the entire Sapio team is dedicated to supporting our customers in meeting their lab informatics-related objectives now and in the future. We consider ourselves true partners and are proud of the level of support. You can contact our sales and customer support teams for further advice.

A demo is the best way to see what Sapio LIMS can do.

Fill out the form to request your demo.