Sapio Consulting

Sapio Consulting

Get started in a fraction of the time.  Feel supported every step of the way.  

Science-aware™ services for rapid time to value.

If the fear factor of a long implementation has you resisting the switch to a new LIMS or ELN solution, you’re not alone. For many lab informatics products on the market, implementation involves significant time, expense, and custom code. Worse yet, all of this effort culminates in a system that is over-engineered and highly fragile to ongoing updates.  

At Sapio, we believe that the rollout of a lab informatics platform should accelerate time to value, minimize custom code, and maximize configurability long into the future. With our configurable experiment engine, pre-built starter templates, intuitive AI-powered chat interface, and highly responsive team, we’re redefining the standard for LIMS and ELN implementation to weeks, not years.  

“Sapio did an exceptional job during the implementation process. Communication was really good, and we had daily conversations with them.”

— Scientific Leader, Large Pharma

Start realizing the benefits quickly. Because science can’t wait.  


Rise in System Usability Score (SUS)


Rise in User Adoption


Improvement in Productivity

Sapio isn’t a vendor. We are a true lab informatics partner.  

  • Full life cycle solution management
  • Bringing your workflow to life  
  • Preparing your data for takeoff 
  • Putting your science and scientists first 
putting your science first

Full life cycle solution management

Technology is only as valuable as its ability to make things better for your scientists and business. Sapio’s customer success team will support you from the outset. Sapio’s business analysts will carefully assess your needs, operations and goals. Sapio’s solution architects will then design the optimal configuration to meet your goals. Sapio’s project managers will ensure on-time project delivery, while account managers will continue to work with your team long after going live.

bringing your workflow to life

Bringing your workflow to life    

We believe that lab informatics platforms should work exactly the way you do. That’s why we work to understand your ideal workflows, then bring it to life using our pre-built templates and configurable, no-code workflow builder. We’ll get your workflow recreated rapidly, then give you all the tools you need to do it yourself in the future—without an army of coders.    

img preparing your data for takeoff

Preparing your data for takeoff  

Standardized data underpins the modern lab and differentiates the scientific innovators from the pack. At the same time, for many labs, poor data quality is a barrier to making digital strides. That’s why Sapio delivers a full suite of data-centered services—from data cleansing and migration to system and instrument integration, dashboard setup, custom report creation, and more.    

instilling confidence in your team

Putting your science and scientists first

Technology is only as useful as its ability to empower your scientists and accelerate your science. Whether your lab is focused on clinical diagnostics, large or small molecule, early-stage discovery, or later stage development or manufacturing, we’ll start by evaluating your needs and assessing the gaps in your existing approach. Once you’ve started using the platform, our AI-enabled chat provides instant support to enable scientists and other users to reach new levels of self-sufficiency and success.    

An agile partner, from analysis to customer success.

Sapio provides a responsive, science-centered partnership through the full lifecycle of your lab informatics solution. Our LIMS consulting services include:  

  • Business analysis
  • Sapio LIMS workflow
    design & implementation  
  • Data assessment & implementation  
  • Data migration & standardization  
  • Customer dashboards  
  • ELN templates
  • System & instrument integration  
  • Customer training & education
  • Customer report generation

Helpful Literature and Resources


Sapio LIMS Product Sheet

Read More
Download Brochure – Sapio LIMS Product Sheet


Sapio ELN Product Sheet

Read More
Download Brochure – Sapio ELN Product Sheet


Sapio Jarvis Product Sheet

Read More
Download Brochure – Sapio Jarvis Product Sheet

Do you have questions about LIMS Implementation?

We’d love to answer them.

Can a LIMS system be tailored to meet the unique needs of a laboratory?

Yes. Sapio LIMS is among the most flexible on the market and can be readily tailored to the unique workflows and requirements of your lab. In the LIMS search, it is important to differentiate between custom and configurable, which are two different approaches to tailor a LIMS to the unique workflows of your laboratory. Typically, the term custom carries with it significant programming cycles and the resulting system can be overcomplicated and fragile when updated down the road. Conversely, a configurable solution can be adapted by the user with little to no coding at all. Because a configurable solution is made for flexibility, changes can be made without compromising the underlying code base. This results in a far more reliable solution and one that lends itself to ongoing workflow iterations in order to enhance performance and efficiency over time.

How much custom code will be involved in configuring the platform?

There is little to no custom code involved in configuring the Sapio Lab Informatics platform. Our no-code workflow engine enables scientists to define their own workflow rules in seconds using a highly intuitive interface, then bring those rules to life throughout their organization. We believe that code should never be a barrier to scientists progressing their work.

How will a LIMS implementation affect my existing laboratory workflows?

While a LIMS implementation can present a powerful opportunity for you to achieve your desired future state workflows, it should never force you to change the reliable and proven processes you have in place today. If you find yourself making unwelcome process changes just to fit the requirements of your new solution, you may want to consider a more configurable alternative. Sapio is committed to enabling our clients to bring their desired workflows to life, then optimize them in stride without programmer intervention.

How does LIMS integrate with other laboratory systems and equipment?

We recognize that the modern lab includes a myriad of different solutions and complex instrumentation—all of which must work harmoniously with the LIMS. At Sapio, we have deep expertise in system integration, a library of 200+ instruments supported via file sweet, and a flexible API to support a full range of laboratory instrumentation. Many of our clients rely on our integration expertise to recommend and execute an optimal integration strategy that provides them the workflow efficiency and data integrity they desire.

Have you seen the Sapio platform at work yet?

Fill out the form to request your platform demonstration.