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Lab Informatics Resources

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NGS Clinical Diagnostics Case Study

Achieving high-throughput performance with a configurable lab platform

ngs clinical diagnostics case study

Tasked with processing up to tens of thousands of samples each day, navigating fast turnaround times, and adhering to stringent quality control requirements, clinical NGS labs require extraordinary levels of efficiency and productivity. How can scientists achieve the flexibility they need to support the volume and complexity of their NGS workflows?

Effectively tracking a multitude of NGS samples while rapidly generating results with high standards for quality and accuracy is all but impossible without a proper informatics platform.”

The answer is a comprehensive platform that enables them to configure quickly, maintain visibility, collaborate seamlessly, and get results faster. In this case study, we’ll take a closer look at the challenges clinical labs face, and highlight specific ways the Sapio Platform addresses them.

Read it to answer questions like:

  • What are the specific challenges that NGS workflows bring to clinical labs?
  • What are some ways the Sapio Platform addresses these challenges?
  • How can clinical labs configure Sapio’s solutions to their specific requirements?
  • How does the Sapio Platform make life easier for NGS innovators?

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