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Lab Informatics Resources

Free tools and resources on science-aware™ lab informatics.


A Science-Aware™ Approach to Lab Informatics

science aware guide

The problem with most LIMS and ELN solutions, and 5 markers of a science-aware™ approach.

The difference between a solution that is merely tolerated by scientists versus one that they truly loved is whether or not it is science-aware. In this guide, we’ll tell you all about what it means to be a science-aware™ lab informatics platform, and why it makes all the difference in your scientific work.

Together, we’ll ask all the right questions, including:

  • What do scientists need in a laboratory informatics platform?
  • Why do so many solutions leave scientists wanting?
  • What is a science-aware™ platform and why does it matter?
  • How does the platform you choose shape the lab you’ll become?
  • What criteria define a platform that is truly science-aware™?

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