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Lab Informatics Resources

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What Comes After Terabytes?

The Sapio Platform Improves Sample Tracking Now and Fully Integrates Data Soon


A development stage biotechnology company focused on personalized cell therapies combines stem cell biology with the latest artificial intelligence and genomic approaches to investigate patient-specific, restorative treatments.

The biotech adopted the Sapio Platform in 2023, which incorporates the Sapio LIMS and Sapio ELN into a modern, unified informatics platform, and embarked on a 3-phase integration project to manage its exponential data growth.

•  Phase 1: Configure and automate dynamic experimental workflows, track all sample information, and fully integrate data with ELNs.

•  Phase 2: Enable the translational science department to record and track histology and data types and link them back to the original samples.

•  Phase 3: Upload legacy data and integrate all sample data, historical assay data, and cell lines.

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