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Sapio Sciences Exemplar LIMS 4.0 Released
Sapio Sciences is pleased to announce that it has released Exemplar LIMS version 4.0. With the 4.0 release, Exemplar extends its lead in configurability and flexibility. Key additions to Exemplar include:
- Fully extendible data model with support for complex relationships such as many to many relations all with zero programming
- Improvements in the built in querying and reporting tools
- Improvements in performance and scalability so a single server instance can now support several hundred concurrent users
- Enhancements to freezer management with support for configurable freezers and easy viewing of samples in shelves/racks/boxes
“Our goal since version 1.0 of Exemplar has been to drive down the cost and time of LIMS implementation projects while providing a rich end user experience and powerful workflow engine. Exemplar 4.0 fulfills this vision and now can be viewed not just as a LIMS but a general data management solution. “, says Julia Neel, Chief Architect at Sapio Sciences, “Pharmaceuticals and non-profits both suffer from a data deluge in the lab and in other areas, and Exemplar now allows them to go paperless rapidly with its completely configurable data model and user interface with zero programming.. Furthermore, Exemplar enables easy integration between itself and other databases and software which enables a full translational medicine pipeline to be built in a matter of days. This represents an unprecedented level of flexibility and cost reduction for data management projects.”